Lots of rain and wind last couple of days. This morning everything looks very green and peaceful out here.
We still have not seen the young killdeer's, but we see the parents around the yard every day. The male hummingbird is back now and it looks like all the tree swallows are happy with the nesting boxes. We have a couple of mourning doves nesting here somewhere as well. They sit on the power line and hoot similar to an owl. They are a bit timid though, we cannot g
et too close to them.
The picture of the Dahlia is one that we have grown for the past 2 years. It is in the Karma series, which have been developed for the cut flower industry. The name is Naomi, approximately 36" tall and strong flower stems. It also does very well grown in a pot. We also have 3 other colours in the series this year.
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