The moisture has now turned into snow, the wind is howling extremely hard, so spent the day indoors. Really enjoy the days indoors when the weather is cold and miserable. As soon as the weather turns nice we will head out again and tidy up a few more things. We have some tomato cages to put away for the winter that we used for the dahlia's, a couple of water barrel's to empty and pails etc to store away for the winter. Everything is progressing very nicely this fall.
We completely cleaned, and mulched a couple of the gardens. They are ready to plant in spring. We incorporated the leaves, shredded plant material and the manure into the soil.
The only things we have out in the garden are a small row of carrots. Will dig those as we have a demand for them.
Pat planted about 460 cloves of garlic last week and we would like to plant a few rows of lettuce and spinach this fall, so we have some early fresh vegetables. If you are planning on sowing a few cool weather vegetable crops this fall remember to sow them a little thicker than you would in the Spring. Some of the seeds won't survive the winter, so sowing a little thicker will compensate for this.
The picture included today is a flower called Carthamus or Safflower. Safflower oil is made from this plant.
Happy Halloween!!!!